viernes, 7 de noviembre de 2014

Good bye semester !

Hi everyone! Today I'm here to write my very final post here and talk to you about how this years has been so far.

Well, to start I must be honest and admit that since last semester writing every friday here was kind of tiring, but now that I realize that I won't be here in this situation again, I must say that I'm a little sad hahah I've never had a blog before, and well, I think I realized with this experience that writing my ideas is very relaxing. It's weird but with every single post I first had NO idea of how to start, but words came to me very easily.

Now, about this year, well it has been so far the most exhausting one! I've lived new things and for me basically, this year was about adaption and also maturity, because the first months here in college I was very stressed about absolutly everything!
My achievments this year well, there are not many I guess, but definetly I can say that I've grown up a lot compared of how I used to be at school, and also I think I've been a better sister and daughter too.

About the things that I haven't done well this year, it's probably my relation with my 2 best friends, even though we're very close at college, I haven't seen them a lot because of studies. That's a point that I want to fix next semester, because this one everytime they wanted to have luch all together I was studying :C.

To finish this, here are the things that I still want to do this year. I want to go out with my friends and spent a high ammount o time outside my house, it's very easy for me to get stressed so I want to take things slowly and relax this summer c: and of course, get out of Santiago as soon as I can hahahah

Well, year's ending and so is this blog!

Have all of you an amazing summer!

viernes, 17 de octubre de 2014

Green Life

Hi everyone! Today I'm gonna talk to you about activities that can help our planet to be less contaminated, and also how I try to include them in my daily life.

In my opinion, people can learn how to take care of our planet in many different ways, such as watching TV, reading flyers or earing it in the radio. Either way, I think people already know the speech but they rather do nothing about this, at least, here in Chile.

To be honest, I don't do much recycling in my daily life, but I always do separate my rubbish, in my building they have big different containers so I don't have any problem doing it. With transport, I don't do much, because I don't even know how to ride a bike so I can't save money that way.
Now, with organizations, no, I don't belong to any so I don't really know much about that topic. And well, to be honest I've never been really interested, I've always had the idea that these type of things demand a lot of time. To help the planet, I think I would like to help to create new green areas here in the city. Oh, and also learn how to ride a bike.

In order to reduce my carbon footprint I think I would try to use less water, use eco-friendly transport, use light bulbs that don't spend too much energy, etc.
To finish, I can say that our sociaty lacks of actitudes that help our environment, and in my opinion we should have more laws that promote this kind of behaviour.


viernes, 10 de octubre de 2014

Worst Nightmare!

Hi everyone! Today I'm here to talk to you about my worst nightmare. First of all I've got to be honest and say that most of my nightmares are kind of silly hahaha but I got scared anyway so here's a few of the worst nighmares I can remember.

I remember I was walking down a street and I saw a little girl alone sitting in the sidewalk, so I asked her if she was lost and she looks at me and says yes. I took her hand I we started walking to her house (yes, don't know how but I knew the adress), and while we're walking I looked at her with the corner of my eye.
As we kept walking I noticed that her face started turning into something very evil, and yes, this is the silly part, the girl turned into a weird combination between a zombie and the girl of The Exorcist movie (I got scared easily with movies but this one was the most spooky one I've ever seen). We're still walking and it's awful because I know that if I look at her she's gonna kill me so I have to keep walking hahaaha. 

The other nightmare I had was this summer, I was in a forest (horror movie kind of forest) and I was sat in a trunk, suddenly I heard noises from somewhere so I stood up and started running. After I while I found a wooden door in the ground so I opened it and got in (stupid choise). As I walk in someone hits me in the neck and starts dragging me to somewhere, after that I feel my head in the water and I start drowning. In my opinion the worst kind of death is this, because you get so desperate!

And that's it, I've had other nighmares related to one of my relatives dying, and about a future world with very low population, a pandemic disease and guns, and a killer braking into my room at night ahahaha.
Well, as a conclusion I MUST say that maybe I should watch less movies and also play less videogames hahahah.

viernes, 3 de octubre de 2014

About the future

Hi! Today I'm here to talk to you about my future job.
To be honest, dentistry wasn't in my plans until last year, I used to go to college fairs a lot, and that's how I decided to go for dentistry.

After I finish my career, I would like to specialize in implants, I think it's an amazing major and I like it.
Now, I'm only in my first year of college so who knows? Maybe I'll finish working in another field, there're so many amazing things you can do when you're a dentist (such as forensics), and also you can work in different places at the same time so the universe of possibilities is huge. 

In another field, I would like to go and work in the south, maybe Valdivia, and start a family there. But, I can't do any of this until I've travel, I'm really looking forward to work, study or both in other countries before I start a family, I think that gives you a lot of perspective once you've worked in other places not only with different people, but with different techniques. 
It's because of this that even though the career I chose is made to be indoors, I would like to make it outdoors by travelling a lot, and help people who really don't have any access to dental care.

So, that's it I think! After I'm done with all the travelling I would like to start a family, but never loosing the adventure of going to other places.

viernes, 26 de septiembre de 2014

Things to do before I die!

Hi! Today I'm gonna talk to you about my to-do-list of things I would want to do before I die.
Well, to start, I have never really thought about this for a very long time, but probably the first idea that comes to my mind when I think of this topic is travel. One of my favorite things in the world is visiting new places, so, before I die I wanna visit at least one country in each continent.
Beside this, I would like to learn how to dive properly so I can do it all over the world.
I think I'd alsolike  to  learn how to play piano, it always has been my favorite instrument, I took a few lessons when I was a kid but I had to quit because I didn't have the time for it.
Also, and this is probably the one thing besides travelling that I have put a lot of thought in it, it's doing paragliding ONE time before I die, because even though I'm not a big fan of this kind of sports, I want to have the sensation of flying at least once in my live, and that's how I imagine paragliding would be.

Well, of course I have several things I wanna do before I die, but a lot of them are very random, such as having a dog (it has to be a siberian husky), watching the northern lights and a perfect solar eclipse, going on a cruise to anywhere, climb a mountain and stuff like that.

Finally, I have to admit that this was a tough topic, because I've never put a lot of thought in this, I've only thought about the things I would like to do after I finish my carreer, such as going to south, live there and start a family.
Anyway, I think I want life to surpise me with new kind of emotions and experiences that would probably add new things to this list. (331)

jueves, 11 de septiembre de 2014

Best Concert Ever!

Hi, today I'm gonna talk to you about the best concert I've ever had. Well, to be honest I've been only in a few concerts in my life, my last one was Lolapalooza last year, and I loved it, but my favorite concert was Yann Tiersen's in 2010.

I remember I got to the concert 2 hours before it even started, and since it was in a small theatre I had to wait... a lot.
When it finally started I was a little bit disappointed because I was expecting to hear some of his old music, and with that I mean Amelie type of music.
Anyway, after a few songs he takes a violin and plays Sur le fil, one my favorites song of him. It was really beautiful and after that song I started to enjoy a lot more his concert, even though he didn´t play all the songs I was expecting.

Now, to be honest I came out a little bit sad of the concert because I was expecting so much more, but I still enjoyed it a lot because he's one of the very few musicians that I've liked for a really long time, and well, I still listen to him a lot! (197)

viernes, 29 de agosto de 2014

Promoting Chile !

Hi! Today I'm promoting my beautiful country: Chile.
If you ever want to visit it, you have to know that is located in South America, right next to Argentina.
In the first place, know that Chile, given it's the longest country in the world, it has almost every type of wheather you want, so of course it has different landscapes depending on the weather.

In the north, you must visit San Pedro de Atacama, it's an oasis in the middle of nothing. There you can visit amazing places during the day and at night you can watch one of the best night sky in the world.

Even though I don't really think Santiago is different from any other city, it's the capital of Chile so you may want to visit it too. It has lots of museums and historical buildings, so you may want to stay there for a couple days.

Ok, in my opinion the best part of Chile is the South, there are infinite places you can visit and all of them have their own personality, even though some of them are very close. If you go there, you should visit Chiloe, Osorno, Villarrica, Puerto Varas, Torres del Paine and Valdivia. At least.
The reason why I like the South very much is not only because of the personality of each place, but because of the amazing landscapes you can find, and also the people that lives there are very warm with visitors.


As ending, if you have more days of vacation you could go to Easter Island, it's a very small island but it has a very rich culture and amazing views.

So, this is my "do-list" if I were a tourist here in Chile!

viernes, 22 de agosto de 2014

Around the world!


Today I'm going to talk to you about one of the countries that I would really like to visit, and that country is Russia.
I would love to go there because I've always been interested in Russian history and also because I've seen many pictures of the different types of architecture they have, making their cities an amazing place to go sightseeing and knowing a completely different culture from ours.

I've always been interested in visiting Russia before, but to be honest, besides what I learnt in high school and what I've learnt reading books written by Russian authors, I don't know much about Russia, and I would love to learn a lot about this country by being there.

If I were in Russia, I would try to spend a few days in the most famous cities and then go to another one, that way I can visit more places and compare the different cities in such a big country. In each city, I would probably be all day long sightseeing, visiting museums, taking billions of pictures and of course trying to know a little bit the people who live there, to learn their habits and the traditions of the place where they live. And of course, I would like to visit small towns too because at least in my opinion, Russia has one of the most diverse types of landscapes in the world, because of it's wide territory.

To be honest, I don't really know if I would like to stay and live, study or work there, since I don't even know how really are in this country and if I would feel comfortable living there.

Words: 277

viernes, 8 de agosto de 2014

Getting Round!!!

Okay, today I'm here to talk about the way I get to the university.
I live in Santa Ana Station, and that's very close from college so I only use one bus to get there. I usually get out of my house about 25 minutes before the class starts, and I'm usually on time if there are no problems with the streets or with traffic.

Well, I feel really great about the way I commute to college because it's cheap and really fast. Also, I don't know how to ride a bike so the train is the best way to go to the uni.
On my way back home, I use the subway even though I don't like it much (because it's always really crowded), and I'm usually home 20 minutes after I took the train. Even considering that the subway takes me back home really fast, I would like to change the way I go back home, because I hate all the people pushing you inside and outside the train. Because of this, I'm trying to find new ways to go back home after college, such as a bus that gets me near my house.